Hands Free Music Turner

Introducing a hands-free alternative to turning music pages! This easy to use device makes performance and accompaniment a breeze. It requires 2 AA batteries and is easy to transport. I have patented my invention and am hoping to find an outlet for manufacturing and retail sale. Please look over this site and feel free to share this information with any entrepreneurs or music professionals who might be interested in investing in further development of this technology.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This is an amateur video demonstrating the music turner in use. This version is a little louder than some of my prototypes. I am working to reduce the noise level while maintaining the current features.

Music Turner Assembly

Amateur video of assembly. The turner takes very little time to set up.

Information and photos

The music turner works by means of a small motor mounted inside the shaft on the left side. The scroll of music is made up of plastic sheet protectors that are open at the top. Loose sheet music is inserted into each pocket. When the scroll of pages is placed over the posts on either end of the device, you are ready to roll! Simply depress the pedal to advance the pages. There is currently no reverse option. To rewind the music, it is necessary to remove the music scroll and insert it upside down. The pedal can then be depressed to wrap the music back to the starting side. An alternative method for going backwards is to gently lift the left side off of the motor and turn the right side manually. This method is shown below and is handy for rehearsals.
The following pictures show close up views of the music turner.
This is the pedal which connects with a cord. The batteries are housed inside the pedal.
This is a view of the connection for the cord. It is easily unplugged for transport.
This emergency advance strap can be used in the event of a malfunction. If the scroll does not advance when the pedal is pressed, the strap can be pulled to manually advance the music.
The turner folds to a fairly small size and can be carried in a case as shown.